About us
MissPlaces was created in 2017 to help support women in the local community
At MissPlaces Every member has their own ‘story to tell; many ladies attending MissPlaces have experienced difficult life events, experienced bereavement, low self-confidence/self-esteem, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, or are feeling isolated or lonely.
A new member can expect to be welcomed and supported by Amanda, the Lead Director, an experienced counsellor, who will offer a friendly listening ear and a brew, to help with meeting the other members and settling in.
Our members regularly report that attending MissPlaces has improved their self-confidence and self-esteem, reduced their social isolation, increased their skills set and expanded their friendship group.
We deliver well-being sessions to support women to feel better about themselves, to set goals and help them to make healthier lifestyle choices.
MissPlaces supports each member to be the ‘best they can be’ and aims to create a healthy ethos of well-being and wellness.
A typical session at MissPlaces also includes a wide variety of craft-based activities, where our members can try something new. The members use these skills, both old and new, to make items to sell. Our ladies showcase their talents and also contribute to sharing these skills with other members; promoting an ethos of supportive encouragement and building confidence.
MissPlaces members have
Needle Craft
Jewellery Making
Paper Craft
Flower Craft
